Are You Ready to Have a Successful Company?

[mp_row bg_video_youtube_repeat=”true” bg_video_youtube_mute=”true” bg_video_repeat=”true” bg_video_mute=”true”] [mp_span col=”6″] [mp_code margin=”10,10,15,15″] Are you interested to apply for a place in the Wings of Love’s Young Entrepreneurs Under 21 Program? Well, we invite you to test your skills through a few selected free online tests by that provide an insightful analysis of your daily decision-making and …

International Media Spot the New Wings of Love Program on Young Entrepreneurship

Nearly 230 media outlets around the world released today the official launch of the new Wings of Love, Inc.’s program for young entrepreneurs. The Young Entrepreneurs Under 21 program will help young people realize their life-long potential as business leaders and agents of meaningful social change.The Young Entrepreneurs program is open to …

What is Business Intelligence?

A Great Reading for Entrepreneurs… Too often, business data is hard to get at and use BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE by Stacia Misner, Michael Luckevich and Elizabeth Vitt Nigel Pendse, Author of The OLAP Report” cite_url=”http://www.” “This readable, practical book published by Microsoft Press helps business people quickly understand what business …

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