Corporate Governance

In compliance with the United States of America’s legal requirements, and according to our corporate policy of best practices in accountability and transparency, we make the Wings of Love, Inc.’s updated financial information available to everyone who may be interested in our charitable activities.
Wings of Love, Inc. Certificate of Good Standing 2019
CONTACT US to request any additional public financial information or report of activities related to our 501c3 nonprofit organization.

Wings of Love, Inc. was founded in 1996 as a local nonprofit corporation in Nevada state, and it became an organization with federal tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, on December 11, 2015.


EIN: 95-4602120

IRS Filing Requirement:
This organization is required to file an IRS Form 990-N

Wings of Love, Inc. is on IRS Publication 78 Data List related to Organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions, with code: PC (Public Charity with Deductibility Limitation of 60%)  Users may rely on this list in determining deductibility of their contributions.

Cause Area (NTEE Code):
Community Improvement, Capacity Building N.E.C. (S99)

NAICS Code 81 - Other Services (except Public Administration)
NAICS Code 813219 - Other Grantmaking and Giving Services

Basic Registry of Identified Global Entities (BRIDGE) Number:

Nevada Domestic Nonprofit Corporation (82)  NV Business ID: NV19961169661 

Entity Number: C16712-1996

Entity Number In California


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*  Wings of Love, Inc. is currently using the services of Form 990 Online by The Civic Leadership Project to prepare and file tax paperwork.

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