From July to October 2020, Wings of Love, Inc. engaged in an awareness nonprofit campaign focused on promoting the Californian and Nevadan citizens' participation in the 2020 US Census.
The County of Los Angeles, California, invited our nonprofit organization to volunteer and encourage our community to participate in one of the most important actions American citizens would take this year.
Our first activity was to invite our site's visitors as well as our followers on Twitter and Facebook to watch the California's Official 2020 Census Promo Video made by the Council for a Strong America, which was targeted to small business in Los Angeles and the South of California.
Other activities were focused on using social media's power by sending short messages linked to the #2020Census and #GetCounted hashtags to motivate our followers and the general public to be part of the census.

Some Samples of the Messages Displayed on Social Media

Wings of Love, Inc. used the Census Toolkit for Business Owners in LA County provided for free by Los Angeles County.
Click On the Image to Watch the California's Official 2020 Census Promo Video

Grab your morning coffee, make your bed, empty the dishwasher, and help improve your community for the next decade. These are all tasks you can accomplish in about 10 minutes. Complete your #2020Census form today and #BeCounted!
According to our statistics that include Google Analytics, Jetpack and Awstats data, our #2020Census Awareness Campaign engaged 13,265 people in our website's #2020Census campaign from July to October.
Each of our social media messages reached an average of 577/14 viewers/engagements - 584/21 viewers/engagements per day on targeted audience between July and October.
The #2020Census online campaign surpassed the Wings of Love, Inc.'s Team expectations.
The Wings of Love, Inc.'s goal was to motivate people living in the U.S. to be counted – citizens and non-citizens since each person counted in the census mean more money to our communities for the next 10 years for schools, roads, health care, food assistance, workforce assistance, job programs and other vital, community services; for example, funds for emergency response on COVID-19 pandemic.
Your Donation Improves The World for Many People in Our Community
Be An Angel. Help Us to Help!
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